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Deep Learning

Security Attacks Against Machine Learning Products: A Serious Concern

less than 1 minute read


In public discourse, AI is being perceived as “something data, something neural networks, and something black unbeatable magic”. We tend to ignore security issues of intelligence-based systems because it’s just too hard to believe that high performant detection system can be fooled with some simplistic tricks”. [Medium]


Security Attacks Against Machine Learning Products: A Serious Concern

less than 1 minute read


In public discourse, AI is being perceived as “something data, something neural networks, and something black unbeatable magic”. We tend to ignore security issues of intelligence-based systems because it’s just too hard to believe that high performant detection system can be fooled with some simplistic tricks”. [Medium]

machine learning

Security Attacks Against Machine Learning Products: A Serious Concern

less than 1 minute read


In public discourse, AI is being perceived as “something data, something neural networks, and something black unbeatable magic”. We tend to ignore security issues of intelligence-based systems because it’s just too hard to believe that high performant detection system can be fooled with some simplistic tricks”. [Medium]